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We guarantee the highest standard of our systems. Quality and sustainability are integral parts of our corporate philosophy.
With the certificates of QS (Quality and Safety) and IFS (International Food Standard) we guarantee the highest product safety through verifiable, comprehensive, quality assurance.

QS (Quality and Security)

The QS-System is a quality-assurance-system, across companies, covering multiple stages, from the agricultural production via processing to the retail business.
The QS certification mark stands for fresh food, such as meat, cold cuts, fruit, vegetable, and potatoes. Condition is the all-encompassing compliance with the legal requirements, as well as the criteria that go beyond these. The controlling system consists of three steps: the in-house self-inspection system, the neutral controlling system, and the control of the controlling system. The in-house system is essentially based on the ongoing documentation of the operational procedures. The in-house system itself is controlled by accredited testing institutes. By controlling the control, “QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH”, or an agency empowered by it, inspects the three-step controlling system. The company depends on and is supported by five German agricultural and food industries affairs associations. The QS certification mark is the most widespread quality seal in the German food retail service and industry system.

IFS (International Featured Standards, Food)

Member companies of the HDE – (Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels) the Central Federation of the German Retail Trade and the FCD - (Fédération des Entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution) – the Federation of commerce and distribution, together developed a quality and food safety standard in 2003 for retailer home brands, the International Food Standard. Updating was done on several occasions and the cooperation with Italian Trade Associations followed. After further standards for the supply chain were developed, the brand name International Food Standard was changed into International Featured Standards. The certification is carried out by independent accredited certification bodies. The IFS - certification is recognized throughout the entire food sector and is regarded as common international safety standard. Certification according to this standard confirms compliance with product safety and quality and thus assures security for the entire supplier chain.

ifs_certificate_2013.pdf [277 KB]
qs-certificate-gmbh-2014.pdf [277 KB]